
Tulasi Apa poster

Tulasi Apa

May 19 2017 (over 7 years ago)
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  • Director: Amiya Ranjan Patnaik
  • Genre: Drama
  • Runtime: 2 h 1 m
  • Country: India
  • Company: Amiya Patnaik Productions

Born and brought up in a tribal region of Odisha, India, 'Padmashri' 'Tulsi Munda did not allow the poverty, illiteracy and un-development of her locality to dishearten her, discourage her or dampen her spirit. She took a humble step to educate her fellow beings, which grew into a huge movement. Be it urban-rural divide or conflict of mines-owner and workers or exploitation of the have-nots by the haves, Tulsi Munda protested each and every act of injustice and discrimination and turned the tide in favor of her fellow beings. The film will encapsulate the essence of Tulsi Munda's life. It will enumerate her struggle and highlight her achievements.

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