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Since Covid-19 struck in 2020 and to be precise in March in Indonesia, it made a big change. Because of Covid-19 too, Hafiz & Friends Recap was also stopped because they couldn't do much activities as usual.
Muhammad Hafiz
Latifah Annur
Witri Asmaida
Meccalino Adjie
Muhammad Daffa Alfathir
Naufal Alhadi
Hafiz Alzohaifi
Annisa Angraini
Ghalih Aprilianri
Farid Hadiyan
Zura Lazuardy
Iqbal Mahatir
Farhan MZ
Mubarok Setya Nugroho
Muhammad Defly Putra
Tari Rahmawati
Muhammad Irfan Ramadhan
Wahyu Dika Ramadhan
Dhea Salsa
Rizaldi Wiranda