
Waste no.3 Boom poster

Waste no.3 Boom

March 8 2018 (over 6 years ago)
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  • Director: Jan Ijäs
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Runtime: 18 m
  • Country: Finland

Boom is an independent episode from a series of seven films entitled Waste. Boom was shot in Kittilä in northern Finland, in a ‘lunar landscape’ on top of a hill where the Finnish armed forces annually disposes of expired explosives. Calculations show that detonation is the least expensive method of disposal.During a week­long camp a total of 1.2 million kg of explosives are destroyed. The explosion safety area is seven kilometres. The explosion produces a mushroom cloud that reaches up to the lowers clouds and creates a crater about ten metres deep and thirty metres across. In the video, army representatives talk about ‘a hole three majors deep’.

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