Based on21 reviews
The story follows a simple family whose young son, Zeko, wins the opportunity to participate in a contest for Egypt's smartest child. As they set out to attend the contest, many paradoxes happen to them during the two-day trip
Karim Mahmoud Abdel Aziz
Menna Shalabi
Mahmoud Hafez
Mohamed Mahmoud
Youssef Salah
Amr Abdel Gelil
Mohamed Tharwat
Soliman Eid
Laila Ezz El Arab
Caroline Azmy
Samar Morsi
Esaad Younes
Yasser El Tobgy
Ahmed Al Salakawi
Zeina Mansour
Heba Abdel Aziz
Wael Al Aouny
Ahmed Ali
Sherif ElBardawili