Eugen Berthold Friedrich "Bertolt" Brecht was a German poet, playwright, and theatre director of the 20th century.
Himself (archive footage)
Brecht und das Berliner Ensemble
Theater of War
Self (archive footage)
Bertolt Brecht - Images and Model
Brecht - Die Kunst zu leben
Das Jahrhundert des Theaters
Carola Neher - Todesursache unbekannt
Der springende Punkt
Film Emigration from Nazi Germany
Kolkata R King
Theatre Play
A Santa Joana dos Matadouros
The Seven Deadly Sins / Mahagonny Song Play - Teatro Alla Scala
The Good Man from Szechuan
Rules of the Assembly Line, at High Speed
Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny
Trommeln in der Nacht
National Theatre Live: The Threepenny Opera
Musical, Lyricist
Alter Bahnhof Video Walk