Dalal Al-Masria
Dalal Al-Masrya’s lawyer
Ashiaa La Tushtra
Min Ajl Hifnat 'awlad
لشيخ مبروك ابو نادية وعم حسن
Love in Karnak
Amina's father
The Intruder
الشيخ علوان
Mister Fish
mohamed el bultai
Saladin the Victorious
القاضي الفاضل
Rabea Al Adaweiah
Yawm El Hesab
The Student
Struggle with death
The Emigration of the Prophet
Why Am I Living
Hob Wa Horman
سجن العذارى
The Crime and The Punishment
Sahifat el sawabek
Confused Hearts
Director, Writer
Melody of Devotion