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This story revolves around a girl named Lee Soo-jung who was adopted and raised by her adoptive parents, Park Geum-ok and her father Lee Kyung-tae and her brother Lee Soo-ho. Lee Soo-jung is often in a bad relationship with Ma Ye-ri.
Season 1
Lee So-yeon
Lee Kyu-han
Lee Chae-young
Sung Hoon
Kim Jin-woo
Moon Hee-kyung
Son Byung-ho
Jung Kyung-soon
Na Young-hee
Lim Chae-mu
Jang Young-nam
Jeong Gyu-su
Yang Hee-kyung
Kim Seung-hwan
Ryu Hye-rin
Lee Mal-geum
Seo Hyun-seok